In the Steppun Discount app, you can set up discounts that are limited to a certain quantity of items, such as X% off from Y to Z items. This article will guide you through creating custom discounts using this app.

Create and test your discount

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Discounts.

  2. If you have existing discounts from previous tutorials, then click the checkbox next to each of them, and then click Deactivate discounts.

  3. Click the Create discount button.

  4. Click the Amount off products with quantity limits button.

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  5. Fill in values for the discount:

    <aside> ℹ️ Discount methods vary between specific collections and specific products. For more details, please refer to Discount Specifications.


  6. Click Save. You should see a new discount in the discounts list.

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  7. Click on the discount you created and navigate to Promote > Get a shareable link. Click Copy link.

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  8. Enter the copied link into your browser to open the store.

  9. Build a cart with items from your collection that you have added to Specific Collection. Discounts should be applied to the cart.

  10. Increase the item quantity to 4. The 50% discount should now be applied to 3 items.

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